Tuesday, July 30, 2013

weight loss updates


HAHA! love this pic.. anywayssssss...

So here's a quick update on my weight loss journey so far. The picture below is of me at my heaviest, 74 kgs, and me now, at 56 kgs. Usually, I wouldn't feel comfortable putting pictures like this up, because I'd be too embarrassed or self-conscious.. but you know what? I don't care anymore.. I just hope to be able to inspire someone and help someone believe in themselves enough to set a goal, and work towards achieving it. 

It's taken me at least 2-3 years to get to this weight, mainly because I don't take any short cuts. I've been aiming for sustainable weight loss, no quick fix solutions please. My journey isn't even close to coming to a halt though, because I know that I could feel even better from within, and that I need to find the right types of food and mind practices my body needs.

Something I've learned so far is that there is no one -size -fits-all type of diet for everyone.. being vegan for some is the best way of living, while being vegetarian or pescatarian or hey maybe even breatharian is best for others. There is also no one -size- fits- all sure way of burning calories that suits every-BODY. There has to be a reason why we have so many different ways of getting our heart rates up and perspiration going..right? Is running  going to be your way of losing fat? Or is Pilates, Yoga, Zumba, swimming, walking the dog, cycling or hitting the gym gonna be your thing?   

I have also come to learn that numbers on a weighing scale are not the most important determinants for good health. It's really actually about feeling energized, positive and happy, from within. I certainly know that I feel a lot more energetic now than I did when I was heavier, but I'm work in progress, and I know that I could feel so so much healthier.. it's just gonna take me more time to discover what truly works for me.

If you are trying to lose weight, here are some things which help me, which may help you too. You could start asking yourself questions such as.. 

What are you drinking? Are you still drinking soft drinks, fruit juice from packets, energizer drinks, alcoholic beverages, tea or coffee more than water? If you are.. why don't you try incorporating more water in your diet? Make drinking water more "fun" by adding lemon or cucumber, or even berries to your water to add some  natural flavor. Yeah and by natural flavor  I am referring to natural flavor  not the "natural flavor"  you will see in many "organic" and non-organic drinks out there. Consuming more water is going to help keep you hydrated, help cut back unnecessary calories ( otherwise found in canned drinks & those mentioned above), and help flush out toxins in the body. 

Feel like snacking? Track back.. what are you snacking on? Try to learn and understand your snacking habits.. do you snack when you are bored? Or when you are feeling emotionally worked up? Would drinking water actually satiate the hunger? Hmm.. time to get to know your snacking habits better.. 

Are you eating enough fruit and veggie daily? When you do feel like snacking.. train the palate to enjoy some juicy fruit like oranges, or yummy sweet treats like bananas.. you could even get fun with your food and make interesting images like this below :)

Before you are about to eat.. you could try asking yourself a few questions.. I'm not saying that we should spoil or disrupt the eating experience and begin to start feeling guilty about eating.. but you know, just really take some time to get to know yourself and understand your habits when it comes to the way you eat.. It will reveal so much about you, and even your emotional state, that soon enough, you are going to notice the connections and patterns.. all of which will work in your favor to helping YOU achieve your weight loss goals!

As I mentioned things such as your emotional state above.. I just want to reiterate the importance of having a healthy mind. You know, there is so much we don't realize about the way our mind is connected to.. well so many things, but in this case, our eating habits. As for me, when I am really stressed out, I tend to crave crap. Really, my favorite things to snack on are/were potato chips and biscuits. When I'm stressed out, I eat and crave sweet stuff. When I am upset, I usually don't want to eat..sometimes when I'm terribly upset I have noticed that I can go without eating for many many hours. So you see, creating a lovely balance in the mind, is so important. I am really still working on having a healthy mind.. I am going to try to meditate and pray more to help bring balance..what are your methods going to be?

Now, having said all of the above, don't forget about some self lovin.. and remember that.. it's..  

Just because you may not fit into a certain box, created by man, of how a woman should look, PLEASE don't give in to societal pressures. I just HATE how women have been conditioned to think they need to have perfect skin, to be curvy (but not too curvy to a point you'd be considered too thick okay?), to be skinny (but not too skinny, what about boobs and ass? Remember, it's all about boobs and ass.. boobs and ass..), to have toned bodies (but wait wait.. no muscles, we don't want you looking too manly), to have long hair (don't do the short hair thing please, what are you.. into women?), to have long thick hair (yeah come on, you, yes you, you know what you need? Hair extensions or.. what about some clip-in hair?), spotless skin (don't wanna be lookin at some golf ball..), hairless skin ( oh wait, oh thank god, I thought you were chewbacca for a minute..) stretch mark free skin, scar-less skin, manicured nails, the right clothes,  tight clothes (not too loose, don't be lookin like some grandma or a nun), fitted clothes which show the "right" amount of skin, to be wearing the right perfume (that will make any man unable to resist you), to be seen wearing or carrying what's in season or the right branded stuff ($500-$5000 dollar handbag anyone?), PLEASE.. the list could obviously go on,  but just  always remember, that a major key to happiness lies in acceptance of the self. Love you for you. Do things because YOU want to.Nobody has any right to tell you how you should or shouldn't look. (I am guilty of some of this behavior too, you know, never feeling good enough, needing to do this or that because that's how it "should" be. Sheesh, it's ridiculous guys!). 

If you are 88 kgs and as healthy as a horse, DON'T go trying to work out to reach 55 kgs just because you "SHOULD " be 55kgs. No! But if you are on the heavier side, and cannot seem to walk up a flight of stairs without panting, or if you just don't feel physically good from within, then come on, let your journey begin, start working it baby!

Hang in there, cause..... 

xxxxxxx aly


  1. So inspirational Alish!!! yay proud of you! I must remember all these words of wisdom.
