Monday, July 29, 2013

thank you universe, thank you god

I volunteer to teach breast cancer survivors every Saturday at KK Women's and Children's Hospital. I actually just finished teaching the first group of survivors (or warriors as I'd like to call them). After our session, I was about to leave when they presented me with such a meaningful and lovely gift. I am SOO touched, and SOO thankful, because of the words. I cried at home, because this is really what I needed to hear.

Right when one of my bosses told me I wasn't creative, I receive a gift, from a bunch of special special women, and what do the words say? Creative? Hah! Of all the words in the woooorrrllld, haha! Wow, I was shocked, because you know how when sometimes people say things to you, and how, when you have moments to yourself , those words have a way of replaying over and over in your mind?

Right when I was beginning to believe what someone else thought about me.. the universe sends me this.It's amazing, I am so grateful, I feel there is hope for myself. I will find my way.. 

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