Thursday, July 25, 2013

resigning from work

So I recently left my "dream" job. 

Refusing to tolerate anymore bullying from my boss, and realizing how his "leadership skills" were killing my spirit, I left. Being a bully won't get anyone far, I hope that one day, he learns to be nice to people who are "inexperienced" at the job.Sometimes, people get so high in their careers, that they fail to see genuine passion from their employees.Nurture young spirits, don't break them. How he treated me, has left a great impact on me, I've been feeling very very lost, questioning my purpose in life. 

However, today, it dawned on me, that no matter what, health promotion can be done from any platform, I don't need to be a part of his company or department to be a health promotion consultant. I will take it upon myself, to do what I love and believe in most, from my OWN platform. Starting with updates on this blog, and creating videos on health promotion again!  

To anyone out there, who feels they have been bullied, or are being bullied, don't tolerate it, you are so special, and you deserve only the best. Sending love and hugs to anyone who has been made to feel they aren't good enough (I sure know I'd like a hug).  Just remember, to PICK YOURSELF UP, HEAL and MOVE ON!

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