Thursday, August 01, 2013

chemicals to avoid in deodorants & anti-perspirants

Deodorants and anti-perspirants are totes essential as body odor isn't exactly very pleasant. Have you ever thought about what is contained in your deodorant though? Did you know there are many studies which claim that certain chemicals in deodorants & anti-perspirants lead to breast cancer? That said, there are also many studies which say there is no correlation. 

It's up to you to believe what you want though. Do you think that applying chemicals on our skin (that too, skin so close to the breast,on a daily basis) could contribute to breast cancer cell formation?

Here are a few chemicals commonly found in deodorants and anti-p's. Does your deodorant or anti-p contain any of these chemicals? 

1. Aluminium Chlorohydrate, aluminium zirconium tetrachlorohydrex gly or any aluminium compounds
2. Parabens (methyl, ethyl, propyl, benzyl and butyl)
3. Triclosan
5. Propylene glycol 

Some information on the above:
  1. An association between aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease has been made. Aluminium is used to form a temporary plug in our sweat ducts. This stops the flow of sweat to our skin's surface. It's estrogen-like effects are a cause for concern as too much estrogen in the body has been linked with higher incidence of breast cancer.
  2. Parabens are also considered to act like estrogen, which again, as mentioned in no. 1, is known to propel the growth of cancer cells. You know, parabens are actually found in sooo many body care products. I read somewhere that a random sampling of 100 human urine specimens showed that ALL 100 samples contained parabens. So you see.. this shows the high absorption rate of chemicals we apply on our skin.. and also that many products out there probably do contain parabens. 
  3. An artificial antimircrobial chemical which kills both healthy and harmful bacteria. Also, it's classified as a pesticide by the FDA.. need I say more? 
  4. Classified as a carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IF it contains asbestiform fibers) Only problem is.. that we wouldn't know if the talc commonly listed on labels contains asbestiform fibers or not.. guess one will only be able to verify this by writing or calling the company/manufacturer? 
  5. In large quantities, it can cause damage to the liver, central nervous system and the heart. I know deodorants don't contain it in large amounts.. but imagine the accumulation day after day.. year after year.. (not that everything stays in the body.. but you know.. it's just kinda freaky.. if a little bits stay on in the system.. and keeps pilin up). Actually, a Material Safety Data Sheet published by the National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety stated that workers should avoid skin contact with proplylene glycol, as it may cause eye, skin, gastrointestinal irritation, discomfort, nausea, headaches, vomiting, and central nervous depression...
This is an anti-perspirant I'd normally use.

So I wanted to take a look at what chemicals it contains. Clearly not so SIMPLE to read.. haha get it get it.. SIMPLE? Yeah hehe okay, I had to peel the back sticker to take a look at it..which is kinda stupid cause if I wanted to buy it at the pharmacy but wanted to take a look at what it contains first, before buying it, I'd have to peel off the sticker right? Would that be okay though if I peel if off then decide not to buy it? Hmm.. ya I guess I could put the sticker back on.. but still.. it's kinda silly.... 

Anyways yeah okay so it contains many chemicals, but from the list above, just two, Aluminium Chlorohydrate and Propylene Glycol.. I know this doesn't mean the other chemicals are not harmful.. I will just need to do my research and find out what the harmful effects are.

Went looking around for some aluminium free deodorants, and bought myself this. It is also free off parabens, propylene glycol, fragrance and it is hypoallergenic (which means that it is unlikely to cause allergic reactions). The taller one is the roll on, while the smaller one is the stick. I think they sell sprays as well.. coolbeans! 

Hope this has been informative... toooodlessssssss!

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