Friday, March 21, 2014

don't hate, meditate

I am very against bullying. Sometimes it doesn't even take someone else to bully you, sometimes the bully could be within you. You know what I'm referring to? The mind. Yeah, think about it.. have you every felt as if you aren't good enough? Or have you felt the constant need to compare yourself, without realizing how amazing you are? 

There are days I wish I could control my mind. The endless thoughts, fears, memories or questions which pass through on a daily basis can be quite overwhelming (does any of this sound familiar to you?). This is partly the reason why I've been drawn more and more to meditation. 

Now here's the thing, when many of us hear the word meditation, we picture ourselves sitting down cross legged somewhere tranquil, incense burning, and a bunch of hippie-yogis possibly chanting a mantra and maybe doing their own hippie-yogi thing. 

Initially, that's what I thought too.  But let me tell you, once you give it a go, or more like.. once you give it a chance, you will realize that meditation isn't quite any of the above. (I mean sure, it can be if that's how you want it to, but if you don't, then it won't).

 Let's take mindfulness meditation for example, where the main goal is to focus on one thing, let's say your breathing.So if we are focusing on breathing, you don't quite need to be in a group, or have incence burning, or be chanting a mantra in some tranquil place, do you? Cause all you really would have to be doing is.. focussing on your breathing. And if that's the case, well, you can focus on your breath anywhere. While on the train, working out, or if you are at work. 

 If  meditation is something new to you which you have been wanting to try out. Take a look at the picture below. Maybe you could pick up a few tips and get started at home.

Just focus on breathing.. and let meditation take care of the rest :) 

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