Monday, February 24, 2014

epsom salt soak for your feet

Lately, I've been soaking my feet in Epsom salts before I go to bed. What I do is, fill a basin with warm/hot water and add in about 1/3 a cup of salt, soak my feet in the mixture and read till the water is no longer warm. Hehe.

Okay now why do I add Epsom salts in the water? This is because, Epsom salts are made out of the mineral magnesium sulfate, which acts as a sedative for the nervous system. So take note, this is NOT A TABLE SALT, it is NOT sodium chloride, it is made up of magnesium and sulfate! 
So please don't add this to your food! D:

This is a picture of the brand of Epsom salts I use.
How does it work? Okay so when the magnesium sulfate is absorbed through our skin, (a highly permeable membrane), it actually draws salt and toxins from the body and allows magnesium and sulfate to enter the body through reverse osmosis. This leads to relaxed muscles, a reduction in swelling, promotion in detoxifying and re-balancing mineral and sulfur levels in the body.  

If you have a bathtub at home, try putting in a few spoons, it's a great way to cleanse your aura too!

Epsom salts are used in so many ways, from gardening to household cleaning to yes (as mentioned above), detoxifying the body. I will post more about it's benefits and how it helps me as I continue to explore how beneficial it can be in my life. 

Till then, try soaking your feet in a basin of warm water and the salt before you hit the sack, it could help you get a better night's sleep. :) 

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