Monday, September 30, 2013

different types of juices I have been trying

I know that most of the time, when we juice, a more vegetable based juice is better. However, there are days when I have real sweet cravings. It's on these days, that I get my cravings (gosh I sound as if I'm preggers) okay anyway yes it's on such days that I get my cravings satisfied with some nice sweet fruit juice. Here are a few I have tried lately. I really like all. I don't know if you will, but if ya don't try, you'll never know.

Guava + Strawberry juice!

Guavas: Contain lycopene (yeah the same stuff found in tomatoes) which is responsible for it's antioxidant properties. Guavas also control blood sugar levels and have anti-bacterial properties. 

Strawberries: are a low calorie fruit, which lowers blood pressure. Strawberries contain phenols and anthocyanins which give it it's anti-oxidant properties. The fruit is also high in Vitamin C, which makes it great for our immune system!

Red dragon fruit + Watermelon juice = Hydration + Vitamin C powerhouse. 

Red dragon fruit: Strengthens the immune system, lowers cholesterol + has vitamins B1 & B2. Watermelons: Have antioxidant properties, are low in fat and are a gr8 source of potassium! 

Wheatgrass+ Green Apple+ Kiwi Juice!

Wheatgrass: Cleanses the blood, increases red blood cell count & stimulates metabolism. 
Green apple: Reduces cholesterol, has vits A,C,E,K,B1,B2,B6, & folate & it also improves digestion. 
Kiwi: has vits A,C,E,K,copper,magnesium & potassium. 

Petals & Seeds,


  1. Wow!!! Wheatgrass+ Green Apple+ Kiwi Juice! seems good for health. All the juices are good for health.

    Mangosteen Juice

  2. hahahah I love how the regards part is from Mangosteen Juice. Cheers!
