Sunday, August 25, 2013

Watermelon + Strawberry Popsicles

This post warrants the use of many colors. It just does, cause  this is a happy post and we gonna  make the easiest thing ever! Popsicles! No added sugar, no preservatives, creates the illusion that you have ice cream in your hands, not expensive and very satisfying in this crazy heat. Today, is the day for 

watermelon + strawberry popsicles :)

What do you need?
  1. 5 Strawberries + half a small watermelon+ strawberry slices
  2. Blender
  3. Ice lolly/Popsicle molds
  4. Refrigerator
  5. Patience + hot weather + craving for something sweet and thirst quenching ;)
What do you do?
  1. Put ingredients in blender (all except the strawberry slices)
  2. Blend
  3. Pour into molds
  4. Add in strawberry slices
  5. Freeze
  6. Wait bout 6 hours
  7. Consume :D

This is so simple & satisfying (esp for those who need to avoid processed food and refined sugar). For some reason, it just made me and the peeps at home really happy. I don't know why, maybe it's because it kinda makes you feel like a kid again. We ended up sitting together and discussing all the different flavors & fruit combinations we want to try out. Hehe! The popsicle molds had this straw like thing attached to it, which is great cause when it melts, you can just sluuurrrp the blended goodness.

Try it out! 
xxxxx aly

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