Tuesday, August 20, 2013

preservative free almond milk

Love Almonds? Love coconut water? Coolbeans, then try this! Almond milk, using coconut water! So easy to make and it's preservative free :)

Okay so, this is something you would make if you like nuts.. if not.. then don't.. it's not gonna be very drinkable. Also, unlike myself (who clearly got pretty excited about making this, please use half a packet of almonds and not a whole pack, cause it turned out really really nutty and thick, almost smoothie like). The almonds I bought were from Origins.

What you need to do:

  1. Soak almonds for bout 7-8 hours (I just left them to soak overnight) Purpose of doing this? To remove enzyme inhibitors. (What are enzyme inhibitors? Okay so in our body right we have digestive enzymes and metabolic ones which help to break down food. Now if enzyme inhibitors aren't removed, they actually clog or denature active sites of enzymes (in our body), leading to a real strain on digestive mechanisms). So soak em before consuming them ya.
  2. Strain it
  3. Pour in coconut water into a bowl, put your almonds in (I used water from 2 coconuts)
  4. Using a ladel, scoop out equal parts of almonds with coconut water 
  5. Put each scoop in your blender
  6. Blend
  7. DRINK. heee heee
If you want, put in some dates and cinnamon powder while your blending, it'll make your milk nice and sweet.

No more buying these for me.. 

I have tried all of the above, they all have a synthetic taste, and come on.. if they were really so pure, well.. I don't think they'd expire next year.

                                                                                                                               xxx aly

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