Sunday, March 31, 2013

I Scream Ingredients

Do you love ice cream? Okay seriously, who doesn't? You have to watch this video, Jamie Oliver went to a school and showed a bunch of 17 year olds a few of the ingredients which really go into ice cream.. guys, you will scream. maybe that's why it's called ice cream like i scream, get it? yeah okay. watch! 

To sum it up, justtt in case you have no time.... a few ingredients in ice cream are:

  1. SHELLAC (which gives the shiny coat to hard candy) also used in making sprinkles, shampoos.. furniture polish.. mascara.. it's a liquid secreted by the female lac bug..
  2. HAIR. Yes. HAIR. HAIRRRR . Real or synthetic, (though real hair is cheaper).Oh wow. It's used to make L-Cysteine, a softening agent..which gives that nice texture to ice cream
  3. DUCK FEATHERS. Used also, if hair isn't available.. or yeah, as another choice ingredient.. also acts as a softening agent..
There are about 271 ingredients in ice cream. 

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