Thursday, October 03, 2013


Question: Do you treadmill often? Well, I do, yeah of course see that's me selfying at the gym, on a treadmill after a work out telling peeps not to give up and to move move move, which also acts as a reminder to myself to move 

Okay anyway enough of being lame, so I came across an article which points out the top most common mistakes people make when they use a treadmill. If you treadmill often, take a few seconds to read this! I have summarized 8 key points treadmillers should take note off.  

1) Are you wearing the right shoes?

Padding peeps, very important to make sure the there is padding in the soles to protect your heels and foot bones from the high impact of each foot strike. Function before style ladies!

2)Do you look down at your feet when on the treadmill?

Okay not only is this unsafe, like generally, I mean come on how will you see what's in front of you? Looking down when running isn't good posture for the back of the neck, it also stresses the spine, hips and knees. Big no no, look ahead baby, open up your chest and keep in mind that you wanna make a relatively straight line from top to bottom (feet, not bum) ;) !

3) Landing too hard on the soles of your feet

Slapping your feet down, landing flat-footed strains muscles, esp back muscles.
Land on the mid-foot or the ball of the foot.

4) Sticking with one routine

Oh I'm sure you know this, you gotta change the routine atleast every..3-4 weeks?This will not only  prevent a plateau from happening, but will also prevent muscle and joint strains from repetitive workouts.

5) Winging out your arms during workouts

Guilty! So, apparently, when you wing your arms out, you end up burning more energy in the arms, meaning you have less energy for a longer workout. Apparently, it's not efficient, and arms should be kept next to you, till you start jogging, that's when you should bend your arms, which helps with rotation of the torso as you jog. Hmmmm

6) Taking strides which are too long

Guilty! So the right way is to be able to take at least 3 steps per second, and to barely lift your feet off the ground! Did not know that.

7) Holding the bars

Don't hold the bars as much as you can. Especially when on incline.. I know it's tempting, BUT, try not to okay cause you end up burning fewer calories. Just don't overdo it, and you know you won't need the bars..:)

8) Hunching forward

No hunching, remember No 2? Where a straight line is best? Yeah, if you find yourself hunching, maybe you are going to fast on the treadmill? Slow down.

Running towards you, hahah don't be scared,

aly :P

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