Saturday, April 28, 2012

Trying to eat right

 (TGIF,TGIF,TGIF) Since yesterday was Friday .....

my mum and I went out after work to grab a bite yes and shoppppp cause yes yes yes it's FRIDAY. Anyways, we decided to go to Plaza Singapura, once we got there though, finding a restaurant offering healthier food became almost impossible.

We made our way down, past a whole lot of restaurants, unfortunately, I can't remember the names of the restaurants  I just remember what they don't offer, such as one which doesn't serve wholemeal/wholewheat bread, only focaccia, the other which didn't offer anything vegetarian (not that everything vegetarian is healthy, but not offering anything vegetarian makes things difficult since I am pretty much veg MOST of the time), the other didn't have any seats available, the other had NOTHING healthy, everything fried (sigh), deep fried, and the last restaurant, well.. it's not there anymore boo hoo. 

So eventually, we settled for DIY popiah (popiah is a type of spring roll, except the outer layer of skin isn't deep fried, it's just a fresh thin layer of skin made out of flour,water,salt) at a Chinese restaurant called Lao Beijing. YEAH, for $22, but hey.. way way healthier and guilt-free compared to eating somewhere else where the food may be cheaper but full of MSG,oil,lard and god only knows what else. Plus, we LOVE popiah, yummy :)

We waited for about 25 minutes mainly because we think they forgot our order, cause after reminding em it took about 5-10 mins before our food arrived?

I was too hungry/greedy to eat and pretty much forgot to take pictures till I was satiated and well, kinda bloated. haha so below, as you can see, you can choose from 8 different fillings for your popiah, would you like some egg? lettuce? garlic paste? peanuts?

Had to force myself to stop eating and take a picture.. Mum and I had 3 popiahs each..

To top it off, we had some lovely visually colourful (this is after I consumed some of the ingredients heh heh, it's actually more visual otherwise..) tea called 8 Treasures Tea.. I really enjoyed the tea, it has wonderful ingredients such as red dates, dragoneye fruit and chrysanthemums. The tea aids in digestion and decreases body heat and even relieves tiredness. I have to buy a pack for myself.

Anyways, next time, IF you want healthy food, google restaurants first it'll save you time once you get there.. also knowing what you want or don't want will make the whole process of elimination easier. Do you want wholemeal bread? Does the food contain MSG? Is the baked fish already fried then "baked"? If you go to Plaza Singapura, try this popiah out! Otherwise.. just go to Newton and order 11 popiahs for the same price :P

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