Sunday, April 29, 2012

Whiter teeth the natural way

I saw this video on YouTube and thought I'd give it a go! This is a natural way of whitening your teeth. All you need is a strawberry and a teaspoon/pinch of baking soda.

  1. Cut up the strawberry put it in a bowl and start mashing it up
  2. Add in a teaspoon of baking powder (full teaspoon or half/ less/ pinch, is really up to you, but I'd go with a pinch next time)
  3. Mix it together
  4. Put the paste on a spare/new toothbrush 
  5. Apply as if your brushing your teeth (the taste is pretty salty and try not to swallow it)After 5-10mins wash off thoroughly and brush your teeth after 
  6. Smile to self and feel happy

Things to take note of:

The baking soda may cause some discomfort to your gums, it did for me, even my lips began feeling sensitive, so I washed it out after about 4-5 mins and instead, mashed up the strawberries and applied the pulp on my teeth.

Here's the thing though, the strawberry baking soda combo is an acidic combination so if you wanna do this, don't do it too often.. Even applying strawberry pulp on your teeth often isn't a good idea because it contains malic acid, which yes does have it's benefits but if you think about it, acid on your teeth for long periods of time on many occasions, can't be a good thing. I'd limit this to once a week or once in two weeks.

All in all, this method of whitening teeth is great for those who aren't up to going to the dentist for teeth whitening (cause who knows what's in em teeth whitening chemicals which are probably way more harmful to the teeth and body). It is also, WAY cheaper.

So try it sometime! Takes less than 15 mins for a brighter smile :)


  1. Sounds very interesting! I will check this out! teeth whitening

  2. Yes it is, try it out! But be careful please don't add too much baking soda..the last thing you want is a painful whitening experience.. so just a pinch or you could try it w/o e baking soda :)
