Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Have your cake and eat it too

Good news to all chocolate lovers cause adding a little chocolate cake when you have your breakfast could help you lose weight! 

You see, I suppose the rational behind this is

  1. Consuming sweet things during earlier parts of the day will ensure the calories are burned considering the morning is when metabolism is at it's most active.
  2. When you consume that sweet thing in the morning, the craving for sweet things during later parts of the day is reduced & hey note to self  at night " I just had cake in today maybe I shouldn't have anymore now.." which is cool since you would probably have already burned the extra calories from eating that slice of cake earlier in the day compared to around the time you sleep when you aren't as active.
  3. When you don't deprive yourself, you are less likely binge 
I copied this from the study , they found that "Halfway through the 32-week study both groups had lost an average of 33lbs per person. But in the second half of the study the low-carb group regained an average of 22 lbs per person-while the dessert gorgers lost another 15 lbs each"

Okay sounds interesting but look at how they put it, the desert gorgers.. quite misleading huh? As in I don't think the idea is to eat and eat and eat sweet stuff ...? 

Also, those who go on  diets usually regain almost twice as much when they are off it, so maybe.. it's not just having been deprived of the sweet stuff that lead them to put on the weight you know.. maybe it's just not giving themselves a chance to eat a balanced meal with sufficient carbs,protein and fat which made them regain the weight.

Anyways, I don't think I'm gonna start having a slice of chocolate cake for breakfast, but but but I do believe in giving in to cravings, if you crave something sweet, eat it, just listen to the body.. maybe it needs the sugar

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