Thursday, May 10, 2012

The living cafe

For the longest time now, I have been wanting to try the food at The Living Cafe. I finally did today, and I'm definitely going back to try other stuff on the menu pretty soon! The Living Cafe offers delicious raw food, and honestly, this is my first time eating at a restaurant which offers vegan,raw and vegetarian food.We ordered a total of 2 appetizers and 1 main course, 2 desserts and the bill came up to about $41.

Sneak peak at the appetizers menu..

                                                     Sneak peak at the appetizers menu..

Appetizer 1: Guacamole with Flaxseed chips

Appetizer 2:Portobello Royale, purely vegan if I'm not wrong, and it was good!

Main course: Fish Brown Rice Roll (Yummy, no strong fishy taste)

While enjoying main course, admiring the interior of restaurant

Oh, they sell all sorts of things too, from special blenders to vitamins to organic vanilla beans..

Dinner done! 

However dinner would be incomplete without dessert. Here we have German chocolate cake on our left and Goji Bee Pollen chocolate to our right. (The chocolate was way too bitter for my liking, apparently the most bitter of the lot,however the chocolate cake was wonderful!)

I love this place and I will be going back very soon, in fact maybe this weekend! I love how I didn't feel super thirsty after my meal, and how wholesome the food tastes. Try the food from here sometime!

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