Friday, February 11, 2011


Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)

Today, I just came to learn that such a condition exists. I read about  a teenage girl, Jemma Benjamin, who collapsed and died from SADS minutes after she was kissed for the first time.

At first, I thought this is something which happens when we kiss someone (heh silly, i know), but noo, this can happen at any time really. I read about a 23 year old model by the name of  Hayley Crook who passed away from this as she was sleeping. There may or may not be warning signs. If there are, feeling dizzy and fainting spells are commonly reported. (This DOES NOT mean that everytime you feel dizzy or faint you are going to experience SADS). This often takes place during physical exercise or when a person gets emotionally stirred.

Remember Stephen Gately from Boyzone? It is speculated that he too died from this condition . Scary part is that those who are in the pink of health ( all the above) can fall prey to the condition. So unpredictable huh? Anyways, you can actually go for heart screening to get tested for undetected cardiac abnormalities and irregularities that can cause SADS. 

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