Wednesday, February 19, 2014

umm.. notes to self before a Bikram Yoga sesh..

So after being away for a few days, and returning to the mat (for some Bikram Yoga practice), umm there are a few things I think I would like to share. Realizations. Yes.

Realizations when an over-enthusiastic girl with insufficient hydration, rest, and a bad diet decides to jump  into a Bikram Yoga class for a good sweating session after a one week break: by Alyssa Christudason. 

1. If and when you eat crappy, unhealthy, deep fried and overly sweet adulterated "food" and don't get sufficient rest and hydration, don't think your body doesn't know. It knows. How do you know it knows? It's cause it shows when you are on the mat, doing poses which would otherwise have not been so tough, feel sluggish, heavy and just bleah while doing them, leaving you semi calm semi anxious combating flashes of the crap you ingested while on holiday and also, tired. Oh, yes, your body knows.

2. After a week and a few days of not practicing Yoga, jumping into 1.5 hour class of Bikram Yoga, is well, quite stupid.

3. Feeling nauseous, giddy, light headed? Yeah you kinda ask for it when you do silly things to the body and expect to be just fine in a 42 degree Celsius room taking on various animal poses while constantly dripping beads of sweat, trying to ignore the heat and being reminded to focus on your breath.

4. The sweetest parts of class are when you are have reached supine and prone postures and are given the opportunity to lie in savasana.. only  to be told.. that you have to get up again for another set of postures. This is why getting enough rest and hydration and eating well is super important before a sesh, energy energy energy!!

4. Sleep, eat well, hydrate adequately, practice Yoga daily, breathe, use common sense Alyssa, & u SHOULD be fine. 

1 comment:

  1. I could not find a way to contact you by email so I am leaving this comment here. I see that you used a number of my images in your post. While I am glad that you found you could relate to them, you are required to link them back to my site/credit my site. If you are unwilling to do so, I will have to ask you to take them down. Thank you.
