Monday, September 16, 2013

juicing tips for beginners

1) Go organic as much as you can

When juicing, fiber from the fruit & vege you use is stripped away. This means that nutrients contained in your fruit and vege will be better absorbed in the body. Now the only  problem with this is that it means pesticides & other chemicals in your vege or fruit is also going to be more easily absorbed. This is why it's important to go organic as often as you can!

2) When juicing, use a cold pressed juicer 

This is to make sure that your juicer doesn't kill the useful nutrients contained in the fruit and vege you use. Many high heat juicers denature important nutrients. Using a cold pressed juicer also allows you to extract more juice from your fruit and vege.

3) Drink your juice as soon as it's done

Try not to keep your juice aside for too long.The longer it's left exposed, the higher the chances that light and air will destroy a lot of the nutrients. So try to drink your juice at least within the first 15 minutes of juicing!

4) Use more vege compared to fruit when juicing

Why? because this is going to ensure that the sugar content in your juice isn't too high. There's no point trying to juice/detox/lose weight if your body is going to end up flooded with sugar, even if it's from fruit. So keep in mind that using more vege than fruit is important when juicing.
This is a very important point for diabetics and Candida sufferers (trust me, I know).

5) Make sure your juice is a nice green color at the end of juicing

This is related to no 4, cause the more vege you use, the greener your juice :)

Sitars & Roses,


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