Sunday, April 01, 2012

Just my thoughts.. examples of scientific research projects I would NOT fund.

  1. Staring at the computer causes back/eye/arm/finger/posture problems
  2. Synthetic chemicals in products are harmful to the body-they may lead to cancer
  3. Those who consume fresh/organic foods are more likely to live longer with higher quality of life
  4. Smoking (Cigarettes) -Causes cancer/Is harmful to health/ Kills
  5. Sleeping early is healthy for the body and mind
  6. Those who exercise have reduced risk of heart disease/Are healthier than those who don't
Why would I not fund such studies? Well, if you think about it.., all the statements above make sense, total and perfect sense. I suppose this may partly be due to years and years of research previously conducted and also because of our good friend..common sense? (Which I shall now refer to as DUH( Deeply Unnecessary Health expenditure)).

I mean if you think about it logically, just for a second right.. How can ingesting pesticide laden food not have its repercussions? Or, how can smoking something with more than 4800 chemicals not result in disease?  (DUH?)

If we consume/apply/inhale thing which doesn't exist in it's natural state, how can the body be expected to not succumb to disease? (DUH?)

More money needs to be pumped in to other things, which are less obvious. Such as, why people don't listen to DUH and choose to wait for things to go terribly wrong instead, then deciding to pump billions of dollars into research which eventually yields the very same results DUH tried to  tells us from the start. All that money could be used to help people who actually need it, to help those who don't have answers which are as obvious as the answers which exist before us, within us.

It's amazing we have come this far finding out all these things, but maybe now,  we should focus less on the research aspect of these topics and instead,focus a little more on spreading the message or propelling behavioral change.

Maybe we should be spending time RE searching other stuff, so that we can evolve a little more.. a little deeper..

DUH says..

Eating too much stuff like McDonalds is not good.. 

 Fruit and veggie is good. No... no...

No, no.. even Kimmy K and Amitabh Bachan are shocked.. 

That's it, we need more money for research!

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