Friday, October 22, 2010

"Doga is so HOT! All the Pampered Paws are doing it!"

Have you heard about Doga? Notice how Doga kinda sounds like Yoga? Well... Doga my friends is actually Yoga for.... DOGS. Yes, you read that right, Yoga for DOGS.

The latest fad is popular in America, and will probably be so in Singapore soon.

Classes are attended by both doggie and owner, and sessions consist of  variations of ancient  yoga poses. At different points in time, mans best friend will be placed over, adjacent or underneath their owner and together, both owner and dog will meditate and stretch. 

There will also be a few minutes allocated to massaging doggie during the session. All in all, the purpose of Doga is to create greater harmony and unity between owner and dog! I can understand how  massaging  can unite both owner and doggie, but Doga? Really? This just seems unnecessary and commercialized. You know, if you want to feel more united with your pet, just spend more time with it, right? Why pay to unite with doggie when uniting can be done if you both just go for walks together or just chill at home together? Also, isn't concentrating/focusing your energy on your inner self  pivotal during Yoga/meditation sessions ( in order to attain a level of consciousness which allows for deeper spiritual insight?) How do you concentrate in a room full of cutey-pie doggies? I bet the doggies wonder what on earth they are being subjected to and would be more interested in interacting with the other doggies.


Keeping doggies as pets is awesome. Apart from the love you naturally give and receive, there are other reasons to keeping them, for example, the health benefits of keeping a dog. The simple act of petting dogs alone is enough to lower blood pressure, and even increase serotonin ( a chemical in the body which gives us the feeling of a sense of wellbeing)  levels. Even cancer patients find that it improves their quality of life and general well being. Yoga too is fantastic and also has a myriad of positive effects on our health. It calms people down, makes them happier, allows time for reflection, provides increased blood flow in the body, and provides a form of  low impact exercise.  So.. let's combine.. the image of doggies.. and their owners.. and yoga...... and weigh out the pros and cons...


  1. A reason to spend more time with pet.
  2. A reason for both owner and pet to indulge in less strenuous physical activity.
  3. A reason to learn yoga.
  4. By learning yoga, there will be many health benefits the owner will experience.
  5. A session to bond with other doggies, hence doggie will be more sociable.
  6. A session for owners to create more friendships ( very important these days considering the high levels of mental health problems; anxiety, loneliness, depression etc.)
  7. Owners will be paying for lessons and helping the Doga instructor earn his/her salary.

Hmm.. Maybe Doga isn't so bad after all huh? I guess it'll be a reason for both owner and pet to take part in some physical activity.

  1. This could be a money making fad that you will be falling for.
  2. More than a yoga session, it might turn out to be a social meeting every week. You might look forward to meeting new people rather than actually uniting with your dog and learning yoga.
  3. You could be supporting something which really strays away and could be regarded by some as an insult to what Yoga  truly is about.
  4. People might start buying dogs just to fit in to certain groups such as.. Doga groups..
  5. ( I am going to side track a little here) But instead of thinking about the values or purpose of yoga, you might just end up worrying about what you and doggie are going to wear for the next session. Like in the picture below..

Hmm.. all in all, I don't think the cons are too bad. If ya wanna try Doga, why not?

Oh, and just so you know, I didn't think of the title for this post, in fact, I copied  it from a website promoting Doga and pasted it.Why did I do so? Well, honestly, it's because of how ridiculously hilarious it sounds! It just got me imagining a little scene,.. come on envision it with me.. all you have to do is imagine a girl  preferably with an american accent, (makes it more fun) saying :

  • " OH MY GOD, Doga is SOO HOT!" "Like alllll, yeah as in seriously, ALLL the pampered PAWS are totally doing it"
Girls mates say:
  • Doga? What is that? Is it like a new type of Toga top or something? or wait nono could it be like..
Lead chick cuts in and says:
  • Umm like I'm not sure, I just know.. that WE HAVE GOT TO DO IT TOO!! Like its soo HOT that even Paris Hilton does it!!
*giggling with excitement* Girls mates say :

  • Oh my gawdddd, THAT IS SOOOO HOTTT!!!

Next thing you know, there will be PIGlates, TaichiHUAHUA, DOGging, horse riding.. (o wait there already is horse riding)

Splendid indeed...

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