Thursday, September 30, 2010

Elena's Triumph

Dr. Elena Bodnar has come up with an 'Emergency Bra'. Have you heard about it or seen pictures of the bra yet? If not, don't worry, I shall elaborate and add pictures I can find in this post.

So what does this 'Emergency Bra' do? Well... not only does it promise to provide support, but it also acts as a face mask! No not the type of mask you apply on your face for beauty purposes, but the type of mask which can actually filter out harmful chemicals! Isn't that pretty neat? Pictures below.......

Looks like our chances of surviving gas explosions or terrorist attacks or airborne disease outbreaks are going to be boosted.

To actually use the bra-cum-face-mask, the person wearing it just has to  unsnap the brassiere from under her shirt, which breaks it in two. She can then proceed to share it with somebody else, a male friend perhaps? As depicted in the picture below. How.. cute..

So apparently, it takes the average woman about 25 seconds to unhook and use it as a mask.

Dr. Elena Bodnar came up with this idea after Chernobyl (which took place in 1986) and she has won the 2009 Ig Nobel Public Health Prize.I really think its pretty cool and catchy! What a creative idea. The bra comes in sizes 32B to 40C. Hey, it even comes in PINK.

I believe it costs about $30 (US)

Here is a little look back on how the ever handy filter mask has evolved..

my my what have we here? Another possible function of the bra mask?

I certainly hope this information has been Wonder-ful ! :)

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