Friday, January 09, 2015

Livin Greens Singapore

If you love sushi, and vegetarian food , and non cooked fresh vegetables and let's throw in some bananas..well you are going to love this! So yummy and refreshing,  the seaweed sheet stuffed with a colorful mix of beetroot, carrot, alfalfa sprouts and pea sprouts leave you feeling full but not stuffed and heavy. Instead you feel light and satiated. Check out Livin Greens Singapore if you wanna try it!

The address is: 89 Rangoon Road #01-04, Urban Lofts, Singapore 218375

Your welcome,


Thursday, January 08, 2015

most cancer may simply be due to bad luck.

A journal article based on research done by a geneticist and a mathematician from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine came out a few days ago. They analysed and revised 40 years worth of theory on causes of different types of cancer (environmental, genetic, inheritance etc.)

Summary of their findings:

  1. A proportion of cancers are due to random errors that occur during cell division. (So for example, it's like.. painting your nails a certain colour, and having it turn out to be different from what you see in the bottle.) You don't get what you want,useless,waste of time, not cool.
  2. Two-thirds of cancer may just be due to bad luck, rather than hereditary or environmental factors. 

Hmm.. this information is both hopeful as well as unbelievable. Do you think the  human body has been made to remain healthy and functioning to it's fullest capacity while it is exposed to stresses of every kind on a daily basis? 

Life isn't how it was before, from the food we eat, to what we see and hear, to our opinions of ourselves, to what we are surrounded by everyday (various forms of technology). 

Do you think it's simply a case of bad luck?

Dividing cells,


Wednesday, January 07, 2015

The natural effect- Supermarket finds 1.

While I was waiting for my other half last night at a mall, I decided I'd go check out the supermarket and take pics of products with the word NATURAL on them. It was an amusing and enlightening 10 minutes well spent as it opened my eyes to advertising I wouldn't normally take notice of. You see, I can be such a sucker for all things organic and stuff,  and I realised that many products which use the word natural on their food packaging usually fall under the organic or gluten free category. Ah, here is as collage of the pics I took. Next time,  I will take more pics of other products (cause that's how cool I am).

I mean, you do realise that if these products were so natural, they wouldn't be packaged, right? And please.. there is NOTHING natural about NATURAL FLAVORS.. which btw can contain MSG, aspartame and even pesticides and/or parts from animals. 

Naturally yours,


Tuesday, January 06, 2015

happy cells

Do you ever feel scared? Anxious? About anything really.. from the consequences of getting the cold, to the causes of an achy arm or leg, to fear of googling these ailments, only to find out that you might have some form of cancer, to being so indecisive and reluctant to make your own decisions that you feel inclined to take steps only after consulting your friend, psychic, doctor or someone older or "wiser"? Everywhere we are, we are surrounded by things which make us afraid. In relation to health, it's something I've learned, as a Public Health graduate, that our government does a very good job at. From what we see on television, to what we read about in newspapers, magazines, the internet, right down to what our leaders in respective places of worship may say, we are perpetuated by fear. 

Sometimes, you just need to zone out. Sometimes, you just need quiet time. Sometimes you just need to do nothing. Sometimes, you need to something, to reenergise, and tell yourself that everything is going to be OK. Sometimes a little bit of doing this everyday, can solve many existing ailments we may already be suffering from.What if we made our cells on our bodies happy more often?

What if we chose to do this during.. exercise time? Yeah, but with a little difference. You see, this exercise time is going to be special. During this exercise time, you aren't going to bombard your mind with negative crap you see around you, you aren't going to say to yourself, "no pain, no gain", or "you are only as good as your last workout" or " if i don't feel like throwing up, i haven't pushed myself enough". This exercise time is going to be full of movement and listening to your body. This time can be made up of everything and anything alternative to contrary belief of what a typical work out should consist off. It will contain all the ingredients of things which make you smile, on the inside.

Maybe my legs are tired.

No obligation, no stress, no irritation before the "workout", you are going to perspire as a result of doing something which you are excited to do! Be at dancing in your room alone or with a friend or yoga ( simple or even beginners yoga, not hot yoga or commercial types of yoga we see around us now), martial arts or strolls.  How about using gentler movements as a way to manifest your bodies greatness? I've been thinking lately, why do people enjoy  putting up videos of themselves or others struggling during workout sessions,  as they do squats, lift weights or.. wait for it..... lift each other?! (Possibly an ego thing?Yeah, maybe? Just to show how "strong" they are). How strong are your organs which you push so hard? You may look nice on the outside, but, have you ever asked yourself what your kidneys, muscles or heart look like?

I'm so glad my eyes are open now and I see through fitness trends. These trends are made to glorify exercise as as an all out war on the body.

I mean really, what is she doing? How is this beneficial to the body? People sit on seats, they don't lift themselves on them. Come on. 
Hmmm how about Healthy is the new Strong? Probably the next trend?

I no longer think it's something good (in the sense that wow, this person must really be working out hard sorta good) if someone is exhausted after a workout or suffers injuries and needs/still continues to workout despite feeling sore in certain areas.

How about more injuries? Soreness? Pain? Discomfort? Oh... I guess we forgot about all that.. 

If we just listen to our bodies, we'd know that injuries and pain are signs we need to heed. I'm not saying we shouldn't push ourselves, all I'm saying is, what if we pushed it using common sense? What if we indulged in workouts which we look forward to? Instead of grumbling " oh great I have to go for a run, or to the gym", can you imagine how our muscles, cells and tissues would feel if we did something that made us happy BEFORE and after a workout? 

The last thing fitness should be is a military operation. If you have read this whole post, there is a reason why you have. Maybe there is a part of you which feels this way too. What if we took a deeper look and tried a "less is more" approach instead of a "no pain, no gain" approach? 

What if we made the cells in our bodies happy?

Happy haemoglobes,


Sunday, January 04, 2015

don't worry, it's "natural"!

So I was out today, and I saw this stupid bottle of kiwi and strawberry Snapple juice drink. 

In my mind I was thinking...

It's not as if this is my first time seeing a Snapple product, but you know, I guess I was not in the happiest of moods, and well, I just got annoyed. 

I mean really.. the height of advertising.. is pissing off. I mean I'm all for us being able to make our own choices and stuff, but what I hate, is people who lie. If it were so natural.. there would be no such thing as natural flavours or acacia gum as a part of it's ingredients list.

This, is just one of many posts I will probably put up, to help other people see, that products such as this stupid Snapple Kiwi and Strawberry drink is anything but natural. I have met many people who actually think drinks like this are unadulterated, and pretty much the real deal-fresh kiwi and strawberry juice.  

Take a look at the video below if you are keen to learn a little bit about the "natural" advertising industry.

Saturday, January 03, 2015

new year, new month, new day, new me?

Is everything new good? No. Is everything old good? No. Is everything new bad? No. Is everything old bad? No.

January 3rd, 2015, I'm probably chubbier than I have ever been in a few years. Here's the thing, I got engaged last year, worked out like a crazy person. Once the engagement was over, I thought to myself, Aly, now, now you eat what you like whenever you like. Then, within 2 months, great news, my brother was getting married! So there, working out like a crazy person began, again. In fact, it was worse, since I now had such a short time to look "good". Now that everything is over, I've been doing anything and everything but eating healthy and working out. HEH. I AM like a gobbly chubby wubbly being. :)

Am I going to start working out soon? Don't know! Am i going to control what i eat? I don't know! :)

Cheeseburgers and fries,


Wednesday, December 31, 2014

wow 2015 is a few hours away!

My my, I think it's been a while since I've blogged. Not that it matters, to anyone. HAH. I miss this blog, I miss imagining I'm writing stuff that people might actually read. I think it's time I start updating this blog more often.  I found this today, and I think everything he has said is true. Thought I'd share. Unfortunately, when I increase the size of the picture, it goes beyond the prerequisite parameters of an image which can fit, so if the font is too small, you could try googling it.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Signs that you may have diabetes. Don't ignore them!

Please don't freak out though, like if you are always tired, ask yourself first, do you sleep enough? If you've lost weight, have you been eating well? Or moving more recently? If you seem to be always hungry, are you emotionally stressed out? 

Hope this is useful!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Sugar is Killing Us

Sugar Is Killing Us is a campaign to spread information about the negative effects of sugar & empower people to make better food choices.